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1999 SAAB Owner's Convention
Keystone, Colorado

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I test drove a 5 speed 9-5 wagon up to the continental divide at Loveland Pass with Kevin Quigley riding shotgun and a salesman in the back seat.
From this vantage point you can see the 9-5 and waaay down to the left is I 70 at maybe a mere 11,000 feet or so...
Sure, there's no SAABs in the picture but it's me at the continental divide and hey(!) this is my page after all!
Scott Paterson, founder of TSN and hawker of T's and Sweatshirts at the Saturday concourse.
Turbo!s own Chip Lamb and The Lovely Kyndra
Now how's this thing work again? Dammit, I'm a dentist, not a photographer!
<- Chad Payne and Phil Lacefield

Speak for yourself, Chad! ;-) ->
Phil Lacefield drove up to Mount Evans Observatory at 14,265 ft in his capable 9K with me riding shotgun. We huffed and puffed our way to the summit from which vantage point this picture was taken. It was windy and 39 degrees cold. Brrr
Where somehow, the mountain goats and rams eke out their existence from the sparse vegetation.
The Banquet Table
Sonetts at the concourse...

Uncle Bob with The Lovely Anne, after his seminar on the birth of the SAAB convertible.
Uncle Bob's beautiful 93 was in evidence throughout the weekend.
The spectacular class winning burgundy metallic 99EMS.
A very clean 99T.
John Wirt's hot 99 autocross car.
A lineup of early Sonetts at the concourse.
Note the Sonett II car # 97 (appropriate) has been converted to four bolt hubs with incas. This car posted fast time of day at the autocross. Second fastest time of day was posted by... another Sonett II. All the Sonett III's were trounced by classic 900's or 99's and new gens were nowhere in sight.
The crowd at the concourse.
99's made a fine showing at Keystone; I think there were more here than at Waterville Valley!
No, that's not Photoshop. That's a real live real long SAAB limousine next to 3(!) Viggens, presented in Blue, Silver and Yellow.
A bullnose wagon. Tahoy!
Inside and outside Eric Johnson's lovely restored ex-Erik Carlsson works rally car
A showroom 93B.
A special SPG. Note the whale tail and super aero rims.
Surely, this is the ultimate SAAB accessory!
The yellow Viggen.
The Aspen Police 9-5 (and officer!)
Ben Tyson's very sharp '85 SPG with tan leather and 20hp vent covers, the "SLAAB". Ben was kind enough to drive me back to Grand Junction. Thanks Ben!
Damien's SPG "SAABOTAGE", photographed at speed on I-70 on the way home. Look closely and you'll see the SLAAB's SPG wheels reflected in the doors.
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