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Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 22:11:44 -0500
From: "Richard Rodenhiser" <>
Subject: Re: I'm Sorry

Is this a response to my issues over a 1/4 inch circumference difference (ref. the 1/4 inch circumference difference and the impact it can have on AWD)?? S.Lewis <> wrote in message > > > Bonnie Jouhari wrote: > > > I should begin by introducing myself. My name is Bonnie Jouhari. I have > > committed > > egregious crimes against my people. Born an Aryan, the only people > > responsible for > > civilization and everything that anyone on planet earth values, I set out > > almost from the > > beginning to destroy my people. In time I became quite good at this. I got a > > job as a "Fair > > Housing Specialist" in Reading Pennsylvania. Most of the non-White > > population was > > effectively segregated in the Reading area. I knew this to be a favored > > tactic for survival > > among my Race. If the White Race could remain separate from all other races, > > no > > interbreeding would occur, and though we are only 4% of the world's > > population, and our > > share of this total population is rapidly shrinking, if we remained > > separate, we would > > continue to survive. Therefore, this practice of separatism had to be > > stopped. > > > > I joined the Reading-Berks County Human Relations Council. I created > > statistics to not > > only illuminate the practice of Racial Separatism but to make it look as > > though this > > resulted in some form of economic hardship for non-Whites. I then began to > > appear on > > local television and use these statistics to try to inflict guilt upon the > > White population- > > my people. I did not stop there though, I also went into the schools and > > spun tall tales of > > oppression and discrimination to inflict guilt upon the White children. I > > understood well > > that children are the most vulnerable, and by working with teachers who > > shared my > > beliefs we could rape the minds of so many little ones and permanently > > damage their > > souls. Instill self hatred at so early an age and these children would be > > ripe for interracial > > dating and marriage. As for me, I not only preached this, but practiced it > > as well. I > > willingly opened my legs for many a black man, and with one, conceived a > > daughter. > > Those with my beliefs today are in control of the Entertainment and News > > media. By > > forcing integration at all levels of society, preaching interracial sex and > > White guilt in the > > media and the schools, it is just a matter of time until the White Race is > > exterminated. > > Really, this campaign is so large, so pervasive, that I am often astounded > > that there has > > not been more of a backlash by my people. Of course, there are many like me, > > and what > > makes me so unusual is that there has been a response against me for my > > treasonous > > behavior. If the same response had been instigated against the others, and > > more > > specifically, those with more money and power who do so much more damage, > > this > > conspiracy would never have gotten off the ground. Chop off the heads of > > those who > > have the most power and the Extermination of the White Race could be > > stopped. > > Fortunately for those in power, those who seek to save the White Race have > > an aversion > > to killing people in high places, so the campaign of genocide being waged > > against the > > White Race will continue to roll on like a boulder rolling down hill. > > > > As for me, I most certainly will be killed. As visitors to > > know, > > I have been chased around the country by saviors of the White Race. As this > > has > > unfolded, I have had many a night of deep thought about my life. I realize > > as my 18yr old > > daughter is forced to live in fear because of my horrific choices, that she > > does not even > > know her father. She struggles with being half black, yet being all black. > > Of living with a > > White mother and never knowing her black father. Even with all this national > > publicity > > there is no sign of HIM. What a horrible mistake I have made. Really, that > > is too soft on > > me. It is not a "mistake", it is the most horrible crime that anyone could > > commit. Indeed, > > only a small number of the world's women could even think of committing such > > a crime, > > because to do so they must be born White, and so very few of the world's > > women are. I > > realize as I run for my life using phones and computers, automobiles and > > airplanes, that it > > is my Race that has created everything of value. I have devoted my life to > > destroying > > civilization itself! What a stupendous sack of garbage I am. Having > > committed such an > > unconscionable series of crimes, I know that it is not enough that I shall > > merely be shot in > > the head. A painless release from this world is not what I have earned. I > > will have to be > > shot in the stomach, and lie on the ground writhing in agony as my > > miserable, treasonous > > existence passes before my eyes as I bleed to death. Still, as I sit here > > nervously > > contemplating my end, I cannot understand why so much time and effort have > > been > > exhausted in pursuing me across the country and before that in the many > > attempts of > > harassment that finally sent me running. If each individual who had taken > > part in this had > > picked up a rifle with a scope, and fired one bullet into the head of a Bill > > Gates, a Sumner > > Redstone, a Michael Eisner, Gerald Levin,or one of the Three Amigos of > > Genocide at > > Dreamworks SKG(Steven Speilberg, Jeffery Katzenberg,David Geffen), or any > > number > > of other Billionaire media types who actually control the country and make > > it possible for > > this campaign of genocide to proceed against the White Race, the > > extermination would be > > brought to a halt in short order. With the assault against the minds of the > > young > > eliminated, a new generation could be raised that was proud of who they were > > and who > > would live apart from the mud and begin to repair the damage. It's not too > > late to do this, > > but it seems to be beyond the grasp of the minds of those who pursue me. So > > I will wait > > for my time to come, for Justice to be delivered, and upon my final gasp of > > breath I will > > wonder whether I and others like me succeeded too well, and whether my > > people will see > > their overlords in the media and aim their guns at them and fire, before it > > is too late. > > in essence, what you're saying is that you bought a Dodge? > > S >

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