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Swedish Motors Gulf (Verified)
3617 Black Rock Turnpike
(203) 254-2555
Email: Click Here

OMG what a find! My daughter has a 99 9-5 that she loves, but 
the cost of repair here on Long Island is crazy! What's worse, it's not 
trustworthy. The so-called experts to which she has been sent were 
either totally incompetent or highway robbers - I'm not sure which. She 
has spent thousands on work that caused worse problems - like 
disconnecting her alarm system, and leaving the wires unwrapped, which 
caused the car to shrt out and conk out. The "fix" of the alarm cost 
$275, but the cost at a dealership to diagnose and fix it was almost 
I stopped a man in our town who was driving a Saab wagon that was in 
great condition and asked him who he used, and he sent us to Barney at 
Swedish Moters in Fairfield. At first we thought it was way too far,
but he raved about the place so much, she figured she try him for a 
non-emergency maintenance she knew had to be done. 
Although the trip can take 3 hours if traffic is bad, it has been so 
worth it!! Recently her passenger window fell, and she needed to fix it 
ASAP, but couldn't take it up to Fairfield due to job demands. She took 
it to a local guy, who told her he needed to replace a broken glass and 
a new transformer(?) for a total of between $400 and $500. In a panic, 
she called Barney and told him what was going on. He said in all his 
years he had almost never seen a broken glass and most likely it just 
snapped 2 rollers which were $12 parts.
Barney was right - he fixed it for under $50, and did a whole slew of 
other work that the car needed, and the total was less than what she 
would have paid for the window "repair."
I can't remember the last time I felt I could just say to mechanic "Just do
whatever you think it needs" and trust him to do the right thing. But with
Barney we can - and do. He has been an absolute Godsend. We and our neighbor
who recommended him in the first place, can't find enough good things to say
about him. For us he is a 75 mile, sometimes 3 hour plus drive, but he's so worth it!!
Submitted by EM S.

Update on swedish motor works yes the it was sold the new owner 
is much friendlier and the same mechanics are still there.they have up 
graded their technolighy and are very much involved with saabs old and 
Submitted by Christine B.

This is an update to the Swedish Motorworks listing you have which I believe is many years old.
The original owner sold the business several years ago. Not sure how they have kept up in their
mechanical department since. I do recall one of their mechanics did not know what the proper
steps were to do regular maintenance.
Submitted by Rick

Factory trained Saab and Volvo technicians. Specializing in all facets of repair on these peculiar automobiles.
Submitted by Peter S.

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