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99 Tech Specs

                       SAAB 99E SEDAN, 2-DOOR AND 4-DOOR, 1972

DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT                              TRANSMISSIQN

Overall length: 14 ft 4 in                           Front- wheel drive. Engine, trans-
Overall width:    5 ft 6 in                        mission and differential in one unit
Height: approx    4 ft 8 in
Wheel base:       8 ft 1 in                        (MANUAL)
Track front:      4 ft 6.7 in
       rear:      4 ft 7.1 in                        Single dry plate, cushion center
Curb weight:      2500 lbs                         clutch located forward of engine.
Ground clearance: approx 7 in                        Four forward gears, fully synchro-
                                                   mesh, floor mounted lever. Gear box
ENGINE                                             with self-contained lubrication.
                                                   Gear ratios: First 13.6 : 1
Type: four-stroke, ln-line chain-                               Second 8.6 : 1
      driven overhead cam                                       Third  5.8 : 1
Number of cylinders: 4 in-line canted                           Fourth 4.0 : 1
                    45 degrees                                  Reverse 13.6 : 1
Stroke: 3.07 in                                    Flnal drive ratio: 4.2 : 1
Piston displacement: (13.1 cu)in                   
                     (1854cc)                        (AUTOMATIC)
Compression ratio- 9.0 : 1                         Hydraullc torque converter and 3-
Net horsepower (SAE): 95 at 5200 rpm                speed automatic transmission Borg

Fuel Injection: Bosch Electronic                     Chain drlve between torque converter                           
                Fuel InJectlon                     and gear box, 1.09 : 1 ratio
Lubrication: Pressure system wlth oil                Final drive ratio: 3.82 : 1
             pump and oil filter. 3.7
             quarts.                               BRAKES
Service:     One lubrication point on
             steering.rack and pinion-             Power assisted disc brakes all-round.
             Englne oll replaced at                Dual dlagonal hydraullc system divided
             6000 miles                            into two circuits each acting on one
Coollng System: Llquld coollng wlth ex-              front wheel and the opposite rear
  pansion tank. ElectricallY driven,                 wheel
  thermostat controlled fan                        Hand brake works mechanlcally on drums
Exhaust Emissions (grams/mile):                      located inside front wheel discs. Gives
    Hydrocarbons: 2.34                               50% total braking effect.
Carbon Monoxide: 18.12
Oxides of Nitrogen: 1.88

                                   SM B 99 SEDAN

STEERING                                       STANDARD EQUIPMENT

Rack and pinion type                           Impact absorbing bumpers
Safety column with double joints               Whiplash absorbent front seat backs
Impact absorbing wheel with padded hub         Front seat head restraints
Number of turns lock to lock:                  Electrically heated drivers' seat
  3-1/3                                        Lap type seat belts rear
Turning diameter: 34 ft                        Dual diagonal servo assisted four-
                                                 wheel disc brakes
SUSPENSION                                     Front wheel hand brake with inde-
                                                 pendent drums
Indepependent front wheel suspension           Warning light for hand brake
  Swinging arm with coil spring and            Warning light for fuel below two
double acting telescopic shock                   gallons
absorbers                                      Warning light for brake failure
  Light, rigid rear axle suspended in          Four-lamp hazard warning system
four mounted longitudinal arms and             Full rake front seat backs
cross beam. Coil springs and double            Front seats adjustable for height
acting telescopic shock absorbers.             Front seat-back safety locks
                                               Four sealed beam headlights
WHEELS AND TIRES                               Complete rust and anti-corrosion
Large wide base steel rims,                    Back-up lights
  15 X 4-1/2 JSL in.                           Two-speed wipers
Radial ply tires, tubeless                     Windshield washer
  155 SR X 15 in.                              Safety padded sun visors
                                               Padded dash
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM                              Draft free ventilation
                                               Defroster for windshield, side and
12 Volt battery, 60 Ah                           rear windows
1.0 bhp starter motor                          Impact break-off rear view mirror
640 watt -- 55 Amp. alternator                 Outside rear view mirrors
                                               Automatic interior light
BODY                                           Ignition-controlled headlights
                                               Glove compartment with lock
  Self-supporting sedan with flat              Ashtrays, front and rear
base. Seats five people.                       Textile carpets
  Roll cage construction with tub-             Nylon seat material
ular steel reinforcements in wind-             Sill guards
shield and side pillars.                       Splash guards
  All-steel body electrode dipped,             Rear seat back folds down to form
lacquered and aluminum treated for               5 ft 7 in storage space
anticorrosion.                                 Storage space in front doors
  Air drag coefficient 0.37                    Recessed door handles
  Gas tank located between rear                Individual heating controls for
wheels.                                          front and rear seats
  Gas tank capacity: 12.4 gals.                Thermostatically controlled engine
  Trunk Capacity, SAE rating:                    cooling fan
12.25 cu. ft.                                  Gear shift lock for theft prevention
                                               Safety belt warning system

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