53% of today's Saab 900 owners are male, 47% are female. 64% of today's Saab 9000 owners are male, 36% are female.
63% of 900 owners are between the ages of 25 and 44. 60% of 9000 owners are between the ages of 35 and 54.
The majority of Saab owners earn between $50,000 and $150,000 per year, with close to a third earning over $100,000. The median household income of Saab 900 owners is $81,000, while the median for 9000 owners is $107,000.
Two-thirds of Saab 900 and 9000 owners hold professional or managerial positions.
Saab 900 owners are highly educated. 82% have graduated college, while 32% hold post graduate degrees. 70% of Saab 9000 owners graduated college.
Approximately 70% of all Saab owners are married.
Half of today's Saab owners have dual incomes.