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Saab-i Website



NORCROSS, Ga. - The Internet isn't just for information anymore. Today, businesses can leverage this powerful and cost-effective medium as a supplement, or alternative, to conventional direct marketing programs. And, they can deliver messages faster, for less money, andÑmost importantlyÑcustomize the information to individual needs. That's an opportunity Saab Cars USA, Inc. is leveraging with the debut of Saab-i: Your Personal Information Vehicle. This new program is a web-based, free subscriber service that tailors the latest Saab news and product information to a current or prospective Saab owner's personal preferences.

Saab-i can be found on the corporate website, and is available free of charge to any site visitor who completes a personal profile form. Based on such survey information as type of car owned, preferred attributes such as safety or performance features, and recreational preferences, Saab-i subscribers receive personalized e-mail on a monthly basis. Each e-mail includes a link to a customized website, where the subscriber will discover a menu of customized information created for his or her individual profile.

For example, a site visitor who currently owns a new-model competitive car (and 30% of Saab's website visitors do), who is primarily interested in performance and likes to go mountain biking in his spare time, might receive a custom website that includes a comparison of his model car versus a competitive Saab model, an overview of Saab performance attributes, information on the power of turbocharging and a special offer for a Saab bike rack.

Saab will be testing the program for a six-month period, and expects to build a significant database of prospective buyers. In additional to closely tracking subscriber demographics, Saab, in conjunction with partner Martin Interactive, a division of The Martin Agency, Richmond, Virginia, will be measuring incremental sales generated from the service.

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