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'92 900S (non-turbo) Vert won't start- Need Help!!
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Posted by Todd inMA [Email] (more from Todd inMA) on Thu, 19 Sep 2024 11:00:12 Share Post by Email
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Looking for some help here - stumped in trying to solve this no-start issue.

The car originally would start but would not idle correctly & would stall - best it could do was spit and sputter and die when I hit the gas pedal other than feathering it. I replaced the IAD, checked the MAF, replaced all of the vacuum hoses in the engine compartment and not solved.

Could not solve the idle issue - and then suddenly the car would not start at all - it cranks just fine but won't run. (Thinking I may have fried something trying to start the car over and over).

I've walked thru the Bentley Manual Ignition troubleshooting steps twice. All looks good and passes the tests except the step testing the ignition amplifier signal to the distributor. The voltage does NOT rise to the specified level (6.0 volts) and then fall back to zero volts after 1-2 seconds. It just reads 0 volts with the ignition key in the run position.

So I replaced the original ignition amplifier and nothing changed. I assumed that both the original and replacement amplifiers were bad. (got my $ back for the replacement). Ordered a second replacement from another source and it still behaves the same way. I find it hard to believe that the original and two replacement amplifiers are all bad.

I don't have a known-good spare EZK controller or Fuel Injection ECU to try.

I did test the two relays under the knee bolster on the passenger side....both operate under test.

The other thing I do know is that I can't hear the fuel pump running when cranking the engine, but if I jumper it in the fuse box it runs. I haven't checked the fuel pump flow, and I'm checking spark this afternoon.

I did measure the ignition coil resistance - the outer terminals (1 and 15) measure 0.4ohms (Bentley spec is 0.5 to 0.9 ohms and the center terminal to terminal 1 measures 9.97k ohms(Bentley spec is 7.2 to 8.2 kohms). So this is slightly out of spec compared with the Bentley specs.
Would a bad ignition coil cause problems with the ignition amplifier switching signals going to the coil?

I also tested the Hall Effect (CPS) and that passes the Bentley test.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Todd inMA

1992 900S CV - this car with the problem (215k miles)
1990 900 - sold at 190k miles
1997 9000CSE- sold at 175k miles

posted by 108.7.4...
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