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Re: Primary Drive or Something else?
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Posted by Cmyles [Email] (#1126) [Profile/Gallery] (more from Cmyles) on Mon, 9 Dec 2024 07:56:43 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Primary Drive or Something else?, Saabina [Profile/Gallery] , Sun, 8 Dec 2024 12:12:45
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There's always a tiny bit of slack in the drivetrains of these cars though not enough to be detectable while driving. So isolating the cause will come down to distinguishing between normal and excessive slack. I'd suspect a clutch issue first. If close examination rules out a slipping and then grabbing clutch then locating excess slack in the gearbox will require removal of the front and rear covers. With that mileage the primary chains might be stretched beyond what the tensioner can fully contend with. Also at that mileage swarf may have blocked the tiny one way valve that fills the tensioner with oil so it's not working at all. Extreme amounts of oil born swarf can also accumulate in the bore of the input and mainshafts which will prevent oiling of the mainshaft gears and their bushings, causing total failure.

Examining the chains and sprockets is just a matter of removing the front gearbox cover, checking the slack and seeing if the tensioner is pumped up or will pump up. Badly worn chains will often rattle and you didn't mention noticing that.

Another possibility given the mileage is that the pinion bearings are extremely worn and allowing slight lifting of the pinion shaft before torque is transmitted to the ring gear. On coasting to a stop the pinion gear is forced back down and when you take off it's again lifted. A five speed with that much pinion bearing wear will fail catastrophically very soon. You may be able to detect that slop by lifting the car, removing the rear cover and watching the pinion gear as one wheel is held still and the other wheel is rolled back and forth a small amount.

We can't rule out that the slack is occurring somewhere out in one or both axle assemblies, the CV Rzeppa joints, inner drivers and tripod assemblies or damaged splines on the axle shafts. Those issues are fairly easy to isolate and repair but have their own specific symptoms, like vibrations.
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