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San Francisco Bay Area Saab Club Bulletin Board
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saab needed for a local movie
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Posted by Roger Wapner [Email] (more from Roger Wapner) on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 17:15:19 Share Post by Email
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Posted by Scott Paterson for Roger from a recent email to the club...

Hello Saab Club mailing list

Turning the corner into 2013, I am hoping this newsletter finds everybody in a good space. While our marque is now part of history, our Saab Club will continue. I hear that although the cars are gone, the parts company will continue to supply (late model) parts for our cars. Still, I expect a number in our group with newer cars will migrate to other cars as their mileage mounts up. If you are already there and no longer wish to be on this mailing list, just drop me an unsubscribe email and I will take you off. While my own Saabs are 1960s, I already rely on the club for parts and support with the dealerships divesting all their 'old car' parts in the 1990s. If you are holding onto your Saab, think of staying connected to as a source of support and fun.

Speaking of fun, I have a request for a Saab to be in a movie. I get these requests from time to time. The last was for a (running) Saab 93 to be in a calendar shoot. (For you newer Saab owners that would be an early 1960's 3 cylinder stroker Saab, Not a 9-3, nor a 9.3 nor any other Saab built in this century but one of the originals). The car that is being looked for to be in the movie would be: A SAAB 900 CONVERTIBLE. The movie is to be shot in Sonoma County (wineries, Russian River, etc.) Not sure what it will pay, but probably about $200 per day. (Movies always pay less than advertising shoots.) Also, the owner - or designee - will need to be with the car during shooting, to move it around, so ideally, it needs to be brought to the set by somebody with a flexible schedule. Exact dates are tbd, but the car will likely be needed for more than one day. Shooting is planned for January and May/June 2013. There will be a need for an actor to drive the car, so owners need to be aware of that, too. There won't be any stunts or high-speed driving, but in any case, the movie company will provide insurance for the shoot. I have been asked to filter responses so please reply to me at this email address with you and your car's particulars. (I will wait a week and forward responses then).

As to club activities, we have been pretty quiet for 2012. Even though we had a number of promising volunteers at the Save Our Saabs drive, there was no follow through with organizing a drive. All you need to do is drop me an email by clicking on my name in blue above (with what you want to set up and we can make it happen. This has been a pretty depressing year for Saabs but perhaps the best way to inject some cheer into the season is to host a get-together drive with a line of obsolete vehicles following your route behind you. Also, if you just want to be more active in the club without getting in your Saab, just let me know

Personally, my formerly last running Sonett is still complaining of a snapped off clutch adjuster bolt. It is either a 5 minute unscrew job with vise grips or I may have to pull the engine to unscrew it from the inside of the bellhousing. I am looking forward to the new year with new energy to get all my Saabs rolling again, but better not wait for me to host the first drive.

Happy Holidays,
President Roger

posted by 75.149.5...

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