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Re: Smartphones... Input needed (long)
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Posted by Steve G [Email] (#580) [Profile/Gallery] (more from Steve G) on Sun, 29 May 2011 09:35:40 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Smartphones... Input needed, Noel, Sat, 28 May 2011 07:15:31
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I happen to know a little bit more than I care to admit about this subject ( wish I knew as much about Saabs :) ) but if you want a phone that is basically not customizable for the user interface but is reilable and easy to use get the IPhone. If you want a phone you can pretty much make your own, get an Android ( Droid is a trademark of Verizon, Android is the opertaing system). Apps wise Android is catching up quickly with Apple. You will always have Steve Jobs and Apple Fanboys, but it is really individual preference. If you have lots of music already on ITunes, you may want the IPhone. If you want to have more freedom in how your phone looks, acts and what music you can put on it go for Android.

As for international use, if you or your daughter are going to be there for a long time get a local phone becasuse even with international rate plans, the prices will kill you. AT&T and TMobile in the US work on the GSM Network which is the world standard and you can unlock some phones before you travel and get a local SIM Card. Verizon in particular, works on CDMA which is not world available. The reason you can surf the net and speak at the same time on the AT&T Iphone and not the Verizon one is that AT&T uses one combined network for both voice and data. Verizion uses separate ones. This is also the reason that currently there are more dropped calls in some areas with AT&T. The super growth in data usage combined with voice usage is eating up lots of bandwidth. They are spending billions to improve that but it is an issue in some areas of the country.

Rumors are that the next IPhone will have dual radios for CDMA and GSM, but that is purely speculation and there have been no official announcements or release dates mentioned.

Hope this helps

The views expressed above are my own and do not represent any company's opinion.

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