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Re: Liberty
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Posted by Justin VanAbrahams [Email] (#32) [Profile/Gallery] (more from Justin VanAbrahams) on Fri, 30 Sep 2016 22:18:31 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Re: Liberty, Finch, Fri, 30 Sep 2016 09:00:47
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Today was *weird*. My phone call to the seller yesterday was strained, but the ad seemed really complete so I made a plan to see it this morning. While killing time before breakfast I did some more looking, and found the ad was a word-for-word copy of another ad, right down to the "bright silver metallic paint" for a car that was *clearly* white. Not promising... I still went!

In person, the Jeep was a little rough. There was minor body damage (which I knew about from the pictures in the ad) but it was limited to plastic pieces so not a major concern. The interior was pretty darned dirty. The driver's seat bolster dead. Most speakers blown. Left rear window nonfunctional. Tailgate lock nonfunctional. The motor mounts or the transmission mounts or all of them shot - the engine doesn't move around, but it's clearly sagging. CEL reported "glow plug #1" and a MAF code I don't remember. Brakes done for, tires done for. AC does not work, apparently as a result of other work that was done and it was just never recharged - there was some latent pressure so the explanation seemed legit. And, a lot of bay area cars don't have AC as there isn't much need.

Despite all of this, it drove pretty well. Transmission was spot on, engine responsive with good power. I made a quick call to my buddy Mark at the Jeep dismantlers in Sac with The List - bumper, fender flare, seat, regulator, tailgate lock - and then visited rockauto and a specialty site for the mechanical stuff - MAF, glow plugs, mounts, brakes. The former represents a remarkably low $600, the latter another six bills. $600 for tires, assume the AC issue really is just a recharge. I think that sorts it. $1800. Ouch.

In "good running condition" the CRDs seem to fetch $6k-$8k depending on miles and such. Seller wanted $3.9k "in light of its needs." I shouldn't have, but I hit him with $2800 just because it started and ran well - a non-crippling amount of money if he agreed, but a number low enough he probably wouldn't and I could at least say I tried. That ended our conversation, he pointed out the 12v outlets in back and the brand new $200 alternator (WHICH STILL SQUEAKS!!!). "Yeah," I said, "but $3900 + $1800 + my time pushes this well past the $6k mark and at that point I could just buy something ready to go. Thanks for your time, though!"

I was back to my car when he shouted, "$3,000 and my guy Juan will get it smogged." I pointed out the CEL. "It's no problem."

So, yeah, I bought it. The trip back home was about 150 miles, including an hour or so in bumper to bumper traffic. Zero issues, zero signs of issues beyond the already identified ones. I actually started thinking in spite of everything the purchase was a coup.

You are right - there is nothing *wrong* with the interior, it's just really cheap feeling... but maybe not inappropriate in a moderately capable off-roader. Seats are not inspiring, but not *uncomfortable*. I will get to work on the MAF/plugs/mounts pretty soon and do a fluid change. I did a lot of reading while stopped for dinner - lostjeeps is the site Google returned for just about every CRD search I did, so I'll go register over there & get this project going. ;)

Right this second it's *totally possible* I will end up keeping this truck and go looking for a second vehicle. It intrigues me. I can always use it as a fallback if nothing else appears.

posted by 69.62.25...

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