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Re: OT: Lots of detail questions on Cutting The Cord 1 Saabers Like This Post!
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Posted by JerseySaab [Email] (#666) [Profile/Gallery] (more from JerseySaab) on Tue, 19 Apr 2016 16:22:25 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: OT: Lots of detail questions on Cutting The Cord, MI-Roger [Profile/Gallery] , Tue, 19 Apr 2016 15:29:08
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I never had the cord to begin with.

If you're 50 miles from transmitters you'll need a decent fringe-type antenna on a rotator. Since the same frequencies are still in use you don't need a special digital antenna.

The digital TV system in the U.S. is very sensitive to multipath distortion and does not degrade gracefully like the old analog system so you'll need to be able to tweak the antenna position. Any signal problem causes the sound to drop first and then the picture freezes or breaks up into pixels as it gets worse. (In the old days you'd just get some snow coming in and out and the sound would usually hang in until the end.)

You can use your existing coax but may need to add a distribution amp depending on signal strength and how many sets you're feeding. An amp on the antenna is supposed to be best but we kept losing them to the elements so now use an amp in the basement.

One thing you should check is whether your stations are all on UHF or if some are on VHF, that will determine the type of antenna you need. Since many of the stations in our area are still VHF we have a VHF/UHF antenna on a rotator that feeds into a distribution amp in the basement that feeds each room that has a TV. The web site "" can give you details on the signals available in your area.

We use Roku boxes to supplement broadcast TV with Netflix. These also have a media player that can work with a DLNA-type media server, so I set one up from some disused components I had laying around. (The Roku plays video and audio files and displays photos. We actually have one set with the Roku built in. Had to replace an old CRT model that finally bit the dust.)

Assuming the TV has wireless capability it should have no problem connecting to your router.

Don't know what you need as far as a cable modem as I've never dealt with Comcast, we have Verizon FIOS.

Bear in mind that the antenna, amplifier, and coax don't "know" they are dealing with a digital signal, so all of the stuff designed for analog TV (aside from analog tuners of course) will still work. We are still using our antenna and cabling from analog days.

(Addendum - I notice now you said you have just the one TV so you won't need a distribution amp with a splitter, though depending on signal strength you may still need to amplify the signal.)

->Posting last edited on Tue, 19 Apr 2016 19:07:57.

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