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Re: Tragic, lost and confused-perhaps foul play???
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Posted by KTA [Email] (more from KTA) on Tue, 19 Apr 2016 18:38:51 Share Post by Email
In Reply to: Re: Tragic, James Wickman, Wed, 13 Apr 2016 05:35:05
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I will post this on the other Saab Forums when I get the chance.

I like everyone else here feel the sadness of this great man. Not only was he a great person and one of the best mechanics ever; he was my personal friend. We both grew up in the Dakotas. As I read through all heartfelt comments (especially those who say they were "close" to him but I how is that NOT ONE PERSON is talking about how he past??? I found out in the most devastating way today on how he died.

Like many others, Tibor NEVER EVER 4-gets to return calls to customers, colleagues and friends. So, today I had a strong feeling something was up. I last spoke with Tibor mid-March. Like many of you, I watched the devil games him, talk about politics, fond memories of the Dakotas, had dinner and drinks as friends and just talked about everything and anything. Yes we all have our ups and down BUT with Tibor; he was always happy for the most part.

I found Tibor on one of the Saab forums and the rest is history. Tibor talked highly of others and not only did he love career but his beloved dog, Kitchi. I spent many hours in deep conversation with Tibor. And though I did not all of his close friends by name, I know that Tibor was fair and decent man that appreciated most people and life. I never had any reason to suspect he was "severely sad or depressed".

So, come today on Monday, April 19th-2016 I was not prepared to hear the details about the circumstances of his death. I drove to the shop in Bound Brook for after not hearing back from him from quite some time, I had terrible gut feeling something was off.

Something in my head and in my heart told me to drive there and I did. After much prying the info out from the owner of the building and another freind (there was a 3rd man) but I found out Tibor took his own life.

I was in so much shock, I froze. I could not believe my ears. The 3rd man left but the other 2 (like myself) shared all we knew but none of us could come up with reasons on why Tibor would take his life. Did anyone hear this??? Also, the owner of the building where Tibor paid rent did not find out till days ltr. of Tibor's passing. NO ONE and I MEAN NO ONE seemed to have much info on his passing. I found out the body was taken to Newark. At some point he was cremated.

His body was recently released and no one had answers or other fone contacts to find out more about a funeral and other details. I truly suspect foul play. There is no way on this earth Tibor would just end his life without leaving clues behind.

I am deeply hurt, angered and sad by all of this. It was so overwhelming to hear this disturbing news today. I only knew a small portion of his personal life but I can tell you: Tibor was not suicidal. I have been around many people who took their own life as many of you may have, too. I know there are more signs for others and sometimes no sign. But as friend and loyal customer, I can tell you: Tibor's death ...I find it hard to believe he took his own life.

I am survivor of suicidal tendencies and I am lucky to have been "saved" by those had my back when I could not stand up for myself. Tibor knew of my past, and I tell dear fellow Saab patrons: Tibor never in all deep private conversations striked me as the type of person who end his life for no reason. I know I was not in his Top 7 close buddies but were pretty close.

I was shocked the owner of the building did not have more info to provide. No one seem to have much info. I told him I am member of several Saab sites and that I would dig for info and write my post.

The way things were cleared out so quickly at his shop and the "strange" circumstances surrounding his death, I suspect foul play.

So, while we all remember him, if anyone has info to share please do. It clear that only was Tibor a well respected mechanic and expertise in his field Saab: Tibor was also well loved and respected by the community. Many people travelled great distance to get their car service as I have.

May Tibor be at a better resting place and at peace with himself. I will never truly or fully understand the "why's" of this dreadful travesty but I will remember him as my friend. Like many others mentioned, Tibor took great pains in his detail in his craftmanship on working on his customer's cars and getting to know all of us at many different levels.

My heart hurts dearly his loss and for Kitchi his beloved dog.

posted by 24.0.94...
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